Thursday, June 26, 2008


I found this on a blog.....seemed a good way to stay awake and waste some time as I await J's arrival home.

i am: fighting to keep my eyes open
i think: people who dislike animals are sad inside
i know: very little about babies
i want: a thunderstorm, every night...and green grass as a result
i have: quite possibly the nicest, kindest husband in the world
i wish: it were September and our baby was an "outside baby"
i hate: people who smoke in my presence unapologetically
i miss: my mom. and my dad. and my sister and brother. and wine.
i fear: so many things that it can be exhausting
i feel: awkward loading my eco-friendly cloth grocery bags into my SUV
i hear: the TV
i smell: like vanilla
i crave: steak with pink in the middle
i search: for my chapstick every day
i wonder: what really did happen to poor Jon Benet
i regret: very little in my life...if anything at all
i ache: for those two tiny souls
i care: too much sometimes about other people's feelings
i always: think of my Grandma Rita when I eat green beans
i am not: really blonde
i believe: prental yoga will keep me sane these next 12 weeks
i dance: like a white girl
i sing: off key, horribly, as little as possible
i cry: whenever I want to
i don't always: brush my teeth for as long as I should
i fight: stubbornly
i write: on my blog for my own amusement
i never: go without a seatbelt
i stole: kitty litter that was "hiding" under my cart. Oops.
i listen: to Hanson without shame
i need: to hear that J loves me every day, because it makes me feel whole
i am happy about: the obvious

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