Today, I failed miserably at the whole "positive thoughts, positive outcome" thing. Around 2:00 I burst into tears in the car driving down 1626. Hysterical, unstoppable, panicked tears. The type of cry that, had another driver noticed my hysteria, he likely would have called 911, sure the shaking, screaming woman behind the wheel of the silver Toyota was having a seizure of some kind. I cleared my eyes and had a little chat with God about things and that did help, but time is creeping by. And the bad thoughts are strong arming the good ones, and I'm just worn out. I need to know this is viable, now. Came home and crawled into bed with my laptop, a book, the remote control, and a gigantic bottle of water. I plan to stay here until J comes home and takes me to a movie. Nanny Diaries came out today. I read this book a few years ago and have been looking forward to the movie, and what better time for some mindless entertainment. But what salvaged my afternoon was the realization that my DVR had recorded a full week's worth of The OC (now playing twice daily on SoapNetwork). Nothing like watching Marissa OD in Tijuana (or "TJ" as the Newpsie kids call it) to put my problems in perspective. Get it together, Coop.
In my non-pregnancy-induced-stress-related world....I turned down a job offer last week and truth be told, am a bit sad about it. It was a part time sales position with Standard Pacific, our home builder, and an overall great company. Just the type of job I've been hoping for these past 6 months or so. Loved the guy I would have worked with. Full of energy, all about family, our "interview" was reminiscent of the sarcastic banter I so loved while working with Pete & Bryan at Coldwell. Just 3 days a week- leaving me plenty of time for the pets, the house, the detail-handling. Despite the pros, I know I made the right decision. It was a 70 mile roundtrip commute, all on I-35. Anyone familiar with this fair city knows I-35 is to be avoided, be it 1am or 11am- expect traffic. I couldn't get my head around a 1.5+ hour commute home at night. The strict 2 weeks maximum vacation time was also problematic- I've become spoiled this year. Oh, and that little pregnancy thing (back to THAT, right?) Believe me, after the slap in the face reality check last time that pregnancy does not always equal a baby, I hated to base my decision on that. But, I respected the sales manager enough to know it wasn't fair to take the job knowing I'd need a big chunk of time off in what would surely be his busiest months. So....I'll continue along with this SAHW thing. (That's Stay At Home Wife, for those who think The Nest has anything to do with birds.) My part time gig at Pottery Barn is still an option, I'll probably head back there in the next month. It's pretty sad to keep a job only to supplement a shopping addiction, but so be it.
Adios, amigos. Here's to a calm, think good thoughts kind of weekend. And more OC.
In my non-pregnancy-induced-stress-related world....I turned down a job offer last week and truth be told, am a bit sad about it. It was a part time sales position with Standard Pacific, our home builder, and an overall great company. Just the type of job I've been hoping for these past 6 months or so. Loved the guy I would have worked with. Full of energy, all about family, our "interview" was reminiscent of the sarcastic banter I so loved while working with Pete & Bryan at Coldwell. Just 3 days a week- leaving me plenty of time for the pets, the house, the detail-handling. Despite the pros, I know I made the right decision. It was a 70 mile roundtrip commute, all on I-35. Anyone familiar with this fair city knows I-35 is to be avoided, be it 1am or 11am- expect traffic. I couldn't get my head around a 1.5+ hour commute home at night. The strict 2 weeks maximum vacation time was also problematic- I've become spoiled this year. Oh, and that little pregnancy thing (back to THAT, right?) Believe me, after the slap in the face reality check last time that pregnancy does not always equal a baby, I hated to base my decision on that. But, I respected the sales manager enough to know it wasn't fair to take the job knowing I'd need a big chunk of time off in what would surely be his busiest months. So....I'll continue along with this SAHW thing. (That's Stay At Home Wife, for those who think The Nest has anything to do with birds.) My part time gig at Pottery Barn is still an option, I'll probably head back there in the next month. It's pretty sad to keep a job only to supplement a shopping addiction, but so be it.
Adios, amigos. Here's to a calm, think good thoughts kind of weekend. And more OC.
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