Wednesday, August 22, 2007

is it next week yet?

As I await the ultrasound that will determine our immediate happiness, I've regressed to the patience of a 4 year old. Now is it time? Now is it? How many more sleeps? Tuesday, August 28 can not come fast enough for my liking. Feeling pretty normal. Maybe a bit hungover this afternoon, which I take as a fabulous sign. Wee bit nauseated, generally run down. Sad state I'm in that I wish I was barfing all day!

Spent day #2 with J&G, the aforementioned adorable cousins. Today I learned why mom always procrastinated for days when it was school supply shopping time and I was begging to get to the store to pick up my Lisa Frank gear and the coolest clicker pencils I could find. Jodi (my aunt, J&G's mom) asked me if I'd mind taking the boys on this errand. Remembering how FUN that was as a kid, I was all for it. Goodness! I swear teachers create those lists as an evil plot to make parents cry. "16 count Crayola crayons." Well, Mr. Crayola made 8 counts and 12 counts and 24 counts, but call me crazy, nary a 16 count in the store. And as any 5th grader will tell you, two 8 counts do not equal one 16 count. "Different col-ors." Well, duh. "5 inch scissor." The blade or the whole scissor? Meanwhile the kids (age 10 & 8) are giving me the "mom sent us shopping with a retard and we may not make it out alive" look. We got as far as "80 page spiral bound non perforated notebook" before I started twitching. We decided to call it a day and headed to Taco Bell for some stress relief. Spent the afternoon at their pool and all was good again.

So....NOW is it next week?

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