Poor Henry. He's not taking this well. I adore all of the pets, but Henry has a unique way of just knowing when I'm sad or mad or upset. He refuses to go outside, wants to be no more than 2 feet from me at any given time, and just seems to be feeling this right along with me. The others- not so much. Ralph seems most interested in eating the gorgeous yellow roses sent by MIL, George has decided to make a game of hiding my glasses, my pills, my chap stick- anything small enough for him to haul off in his little kitten mouth and tuck away in the dark corners of our house. Griffin. What to say about Snappy? He's hungry, he's barky, he's incontinent. This is an old picture of H-Man, taken around his first birthday. I remember that day, just settled into our new house in Rhinelander, and fall was in full glory. I miss the fall in the midwest. Crisp air, crunchy leaves, football season, new sweaters....I digress:

Megan is coming. Thank God, my sister is coming. I need someone from the outside world to come here and make me feel less insane. I'm hoping I'll be feeling okay and we can get lunch at Whole Foods, see the bats, experience Austin. If not, it's just good to have her here. I'm sure we could watch Breakfast at Tiffany's and eat ice cream and have that be just as good.
Thankful for right this moment:
George curled up for his moring nap atop my medical records on my bed making adorable little twitching motions in his sleep, the aforementioned yellow roses on my dresser, Megan being on her way, my mom calling this morning and making it possible for me to breathe, Smart Water, Jodi and family just down the road if I need her, my doctor's appointments and the hope they are providing, the chat I just had with Jenny that made me remember how fortunate I am to have my friends and actually had me laughing for a minute (remembering the aftermath of a certain bachelorette party and the unfortunate resulting hangover), my plane ticket to Grand Forks in 21 days.
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